SAV Celebrates International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day (IWD) started in 1911, and since 1921, March 8th has marked a day of celebration for the achievements of women. This year, the campaign focuses on gender equality in businesses, carrying the hashtag #EachforEqual. It is drawn from the concept of ‘collective individualism’. Highlighting that individual actions and mindsets have an impact on our wider society. Through this notion, we can collectively make change happen and create a gender equal world. Have a look at the International Women’s Day Website for more information:

As a company with its expertise in the construction industry and engineering, SAV Systems recognises that there is a lack of gender equality within these sectors. According to ‘GO Construct’, in 2018 women made up only 14 % of the construction workforce. Similarly, as ‘STEM Women’ disclosed in 2018, of those working as engineering professionals, only 12% are women. Historically, women have been underrepresented in these sectors due to there being a misconception that construction and engineering are gender specific. While recent statistics demonstrate that higher levels of new entrants are women, there is still more to do.


To celebrate how far women have come and to bring awareness to the further steps that need to be taken, SAV has decided to celebrate International Women’s day for the month of March. With 26% of our workforce being women, we are very proud of having above the average in our industry. However, we recognise that more can be done to encourage equality and bring awareness to the issues that surround a male dominated industry. To achieve this, employee interviews have been conducted asking about their experience of equality at SAV and in the industry.

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