“It was KURVE all the way”
commented Sumit Bose, award judge and founder of Future Net Zero.
“It was smart. I liked the way the technology was segued into things”.
KURVE was praised for its cost management, efficient use, and interface design. For the judges, KURVE
“really had stand-out qualities to win”.
The Decentralised Energy Awards seek to recognise the people and projects that are innovating the field of decentralised energy and creating energy solutions for the end-user. Helping customers to better understand their data is at the heart of KURVE’s mission.
As a web-app based Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) smart metering solution KURVE can be accessed using any internet device. KURVE has a simple and intuitive design that allows customers to easily access their energy usage. Research shows that with more energy information available to the customer, the more able they are to reduce their energy bills and carbon footprint. The KURVE solution makes payments quick and easy 24/7, ensuring both customers and clients are always up to date and helping avoid isolation and debt accruing.
“One of the focuses of KURVE was that we wanted to be more than just a payment app”,
says Douglas Norton, Product Manager for KURVE at SAV Systems.
“We wanted to encourage the users to engage with their energy consumption.”
With nearly 50% of the customers time spent viewing their habits on the app KURVE is smashing expectations. For Douglas