Green Heat Street by Street. Converting Gas to Heat.

Green Heat Street by Street Event Edinburgh

If Scotland are to achieve their Net Zero targets of 75% emissions reductions by 2030, over 1 million homes and the equivalent of 50,000 non-domestic buildings need to be converted to use zero emission heating systems.  Their Heat in Buildings Strategy, published last year, identified heat networks as a key strategic technology for meeting this […]

Graduate Scheme

Graduate Scheme VIEW CURRENT JOBS ENERGIRAVEN.COM Net Zero – Be part of the solution! Heat Networks are crucial to making Net Zero a reality in the UK by 2050. As market leaders in Heat Network technologies, SAV is at the forefront of helping the UK decarbonise its buildings through its range of low carbon heating, […]


Find interesting information Explore our glossary to understand more about 4G heat networks, indoor environment and lookup useful topics and definitions. 0-9ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZShowing all results 4 4G Heat NetworksClose 4G Heat Networks4G Heat Networks represent a quantum leap in terms of localised energy generation, distribution, and storage.  Taking forward the 3G model of hot water systems […]


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