SAV launches Mini LoadTracker CHP units
SAV Systems has introduced two new Mini LoadTracker models to its modular range of modulating CHP units, bringing the benefits of combined heat and power to smaller buildings.
SAV’s LoadTracker cuts costs and emissions for Brookside Extra Care Scheme
A LoadTracker modulating combined heat and power (CHP) unit from SAV Systems is helping to minimise environmental impact and reduce running costs for the new Brookside Extra Care Scheme in Ormskirk, Lancashire.
SAV Systems sponsors Heat 2014 conference
SAV Systems has been confirmed as a principal sponsor of the Heat 2014 conference, organised by the Combined Heat & Power Association (CHPA) and the Energy Institute.
SAV provides low energy solutions for student accommodation
A LoadTracker CHP unit from SAV Systems is helping to deliver low carbon domestic hot water (DHW), heating and electrical power to the new St Michael’s Hall student accommodation at Aigburth Park, Liverpool.
SAV’s FloCon R helps protect TRVs and control flow rates in variable volume pumping systems
The new FloCon Series R from SAV Systems provides a compact and economical solution for protecting thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs) and terminal units (radiators, fan coils, radiant panels etc.) in variable volume heating systems.
SAV’s 2-Zone Compliance Kit facilitates zoned heating in dwellings
In line with the requirements of the Domestic Building Services Compliance Guide and Building Regulations Part L for zoned heating in dwellings, the 2-Zone Compliance Kit is a compact and efficient way to create two separate heating zones.
SAV’s Successful Indoor Air Quality and District Heating Symposium
On 29th November 2012 SAV Systems held an Indoor Air Quality and District Heating Symposium covering several state of the art low carbon and sustainable technologies. The event, which took place in SAV’s Low Carbon Technology Centre in Woking,
SAV’s AirMaster wins Ventilation Product of the Year
AirMaster direct, zone-specific, Demand Controlled Ventilation air handling units with heat recovery have been voted Commercial / Industrial Ventilation Product of the Year in the HVR Awards 2012. AirMaster’s innovative features defeated stiff competition to win the prize.
SAV LoadTracker takes CHP to the Next Level
Combined Heat and Power (CHP) is a tried and tested low carbon technology that can make a significant contribution to the reduction of carbon emissions from heating and power generation.
SAV Systems Launches Low Carbon Technology Centre
On 4th November 2011 SAV Systems officially opened its Low Carbon Technology Centre in Woking, Surrey. The event included a highly successful Open Day, featuring interactive workshops, CPD Seminars and a District Heating Symposium which introduced state-of-the-art green technologies.