EC Power CHP

Making a little energi go a long way

Combined Heat & Power (CHP) units generate electricity on-demand at the point of use, using natural gas, hydrogen blend, LPG or biogas. They can power our future heat generation plant such as heat pumps with low cost, low carbon electricity, while reducing the burden placed on the electricity grid. The ‘free’ waste heat by-product from power generation is also used within the building or heat network, further reducing the operational cost of the heating system.

Combined Heat and Power Product Range

In this table you will see all the relevant key data for the CHP product range:

Key StatisticsXRGI 6 Low NOxXRGI 9 Low NOxXRGI 15 Low NOxXRGI 20 Low NOx
Modulation Range – Electrical (kW)4.5 – 6.04.5 – 9.010 – 1510 – 20
Heat Output – Non-Condensing (kW)12.5 – 14.612.4 – 20.126.1 – 31.426.1 – 38.7
Heat Output – Condensing (kW)*14.3 – 16.814.2 – 23.329.3 – 35.929.3 – 44.7
Electricity Supply400V/50Hz/3-Phase
NOx Emission mg/kWh28253319
BREEAM 2018 Pol 02 Credits2
Compatible with SAP 10.2 “Flexible Operation”160

* Non-condensing operation shown

Key features and benefits

Low Carbon

Low carbon power generation on demand – even when the wind isn’t blowing and the sun isn’t shining!


Security of supply and protection from escalating electricity tariffs


Modulating output to match site demand


Suitable for new build and retro-fit into existing buildings with a gas supply connection

Utilising waste heat in Hybrid Energy Centres
CHP & Heat Pump integration

Where a gas connection is available, CHP offers significant CO2 footprint and cost savings in new-build and existing buildings. Using a high efficiency, low NOx emission gas engine, CHP’s generate low carbon, low-cost electricity at the point of use and on-demand. Unlike intermittent renewables, CHP can react to the buildings consumption of electricity and modulate generation in real-time according to site loads, tariff signals and grid carbon intensity. Hence, CHP saves carbon and costs by displacing the consumption of grid electricity.

Inherently, waste heat is produced as a by-product of power generation. This ‘free’ heat is captured as heated water and is used within the building to reduce the output of the boiler and reduce the boiler’s consumption of gas or electricity. In a hybrid energy centre, heat pumps are also a customer for CHP electricity and the two appliances become consumer and producer within a Prosumer building. This helps to protect the grid from some of the impact of large-scale electrification of heat production and protects the owner/occupier from extreme electricity tariffs.

Combined Heat and Power documents

Please find relevant links for further reading below, or visit our downloads page.

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