The development by Link Group Housing Association comprises 16 separate flats and, through the use of an SAV LoadTracker 15kWe/30kWth CHP unit, has achieved a 21% reduction in carbon emissions (around 36,000kg CO2 per annum), compared to a traditional mains electricity/gas-fired boiler arrangement. Financial savings on energy consumption amount to around £14,000 per annum.
Danfoss FlatStation heat interface units provide control of heating and domestic hot water(DHW) in each apartment, ensuring DHW temperature is controlled to within +/- 2°C.
Since July 2010 the CHP has run for 15,792 hours and produced 171,668 kWh of electricity and 373,938 kWh of heat, with average electrical power generation of 10.8kW. It has met 71% of the site’s electrical demand during this time.
This performance has relied heavily on the ability of the LoadTracker CHP to track loads. For example, if this had been a fixed output 15kWe unit, it would have been switched off at times when site electrical demand was less than 15kW. Consequently, the run-hours would have been greatly reduced and the site would have used considerably more expensive and carbon-intensive mains electricity – as well as running the back-up boilers more frequently.
A further benefit of the LoadTracker CHP is that it incorporates a patented heat distributor that maintains a constant flow temperature, corresponding to the design flow temperature, irrespective of the return water temperature. As a result, it always produces high grade heat that can be used on site without ‘topping up’ from boilers. Any surplus heat is stored at 80-85°C and this stored heat helps to optimise CHP operating times and further reduce the likelihood of back-up boilers being operated.
The winners of the H&V News Awards 2013 will be announced in April.